Sarah Shakil
PhD Candidate
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta BSc York University Email: [email protected] As a PhD candidate I conduct field and laboratory research on the release and fate of organic carbon, primarily in particulate form, from collapsing permafrost on the Peel Plateau, NWT, Canada. During my undergraduate degree in Environmental Science at York University, I had the opportunity to help with research looking at the hydrology and chemistry of a High Arctic Wetland with Kathy Young and Anna Abnizova, which linked my long standing fascination with water to Arctic systems. Through this opportunity I became interested in Suzanne’s research in aquatic biogeochemistry and completed my BSc thesis in photochemical processes in Mackenzie Delta lakes near Inuvik, NWT, Canada. My current research stems from my interest in how water can not only link biochemical and geochemical processes but also terrestrial, marine, and atmospheric environments, but has now led to a general interest in Earth systems research. Over the years I’ve spent in the north, I’ve especially enjoyed learning from local community members and the diverse group of researchers working in the region. Outside of my PhD research I’ve enjoyed volunteering time to education and outreach, efforts that facilitate building networks between people, such as APECS, climbing, sketching, and generally being outside. |